Uniqlo, Metro, Self-checkout RFID Self-Service Cash Register





Self-checkout RFID Self-Service Cash Register


Teamwork Commerce, a Florida-based global provider of retail management software, announced the launch of its RFID self-checkout solution designed to streamline the checkout process for in-store customers.

The technology allows customers to scan all items instantly, reducing checkout time and making the in-store experience effortless. The company says this new solution enables global fashion retailers to provide a seamless commerce experience for in-store customers.

Long waiting times at checkout is one of the main reasons why consumers choose to shop online. To address this issue, self-checkout was introduced as the first step in a major technological revolution. In fact, according to Catalina, self-checkout accounts for 38% of transactions in today's retail environment.



Nowadays, the rapid development of mobile payment, face payment, the store cash register method is also constantly upgrading and innovation, following the supermarket, convenience stores, beauty stores, Uniqlo is now in our country large-scale promotion of RFID self-service cash registers.


Unlike many supermarkets that have long introduced barcode scanning for self-service checkout, Uniqlo's "3-step rapid checkout" is almost the most concise process of mobile payment based on what we are used to today.

1. Put in the merchandise;



2. Scan the code to pay;


3. Self-service bagging.




The screen will show the details of the purchased goods and select the payment method as long as customers put the purchased goods into the groove area. Then they should place their phone in the red box and show the QR code to complete the payment.

It eliminates the step of customers scanning the code of goods one by one, alleviates the queues during peak hours, promotes the industry's new cashiering method, makes human-machine interaction more convenient, melts retail into a new era, and brings customers an in-depth and complete self-service consumption experience and shopping experience.



As one of the world's largest retailers, Metro introduced an RFID self-checkout system as early as 2005, which not only reads barcodes, but also reads radio frequency identification tags.




Simplifies the checkout process for shoppers, enabling them to conduct transactions at their own pace. This self-checkout technology offers a number of additional benefits to standard self-checkout solutions. RFID technology automatically scans all items and also offers the services of alarm triggering. As a result, retailers have less to lose and more security at checkout.

RFID self-checkout solutions significantly increase the number of transactions during business hours and optimize checkout times without having to scan all items individually. Store employees are also able to focus on customer service and delivering a high-quality experience rather than manually completing transactions.



An innovative high-tech enterprise focusing on the R&D, manufacturing and overall solution sales of smart sensor RF RFID tags, readers, antennas and core industrial products of the Internet of Things.